Jul 6, 2005

Additional Comments

- Comments: Opening and Closing sessions

Both of these were well attended, in fact the opening keynote overflowed into two additional rooms, outpacing capacity beyond expectations. I’d recommend providing increased space for attendees in 2006.

Closing session – provide the 2007 team with access to the hall prior to their last day. This was helpful to us, as we prepared for our skit. The raffle was done in a pre-drawn, rapid-fire format that was well received. Repeat this as closely as possible.

- Comments: Other events

I attended the president’s reception late Monday night (9-11pm). This was well-attended and provided VIPS, speakers and sponsors to mingle in a casual atmosphere with light refreshments. ISTE managed this event well, despite a rainy evening. I highly recommend continuing this event as it is.

I also attended the affiliate reception Saturday evening (7-8:30pm). This event was great in that affiliate leaders could network in a relaxed atmosphere and put faces to names. We also shared tips, tricks and resources. I highly recommend continuing this event as it is.

- Suggestions and Comments: Volunteers

Local volunteers are highly recommended, as they can provide invaluable assistance in navigation, local flavor and other tips.

Overbook volunteers, since they can drop out last minute. Given that their registration is not waived, these attendees could chose not to participate with little or no penalty.

Daily debriefs are valuable and provide incredible cross-conference information for all involved.

Read the conference blogs to get a solid sense of the “street level” view of the conference and be able to respond to needs brought up through this avenue.

- Suggestions: Local Flavor for San Diego

Info booth: Have maps, restaurant suggestions, transportation tips and schedules of events available.

Dr. is “in”: Have stations for laptop plug-ins, be ready to print boarding passes and assist with palm Bluetooth downloading stations. There was some complaint with these, as they seemed to have less functionality this year. Communicate regularly with IT staff to make sure that the wireless network is up and accessible.

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