Jun 3, 2004

Internet Assigment #2

Please choose one of the following and post or email your reply:

1) Online Learning:
Visit these three web portals below:
Atomic Learning: www.atomiclearning.com
Virtual Training: ctap.ocde.us
Brain POP: www.brainpop.com

For the first two, login with the usernames and passwords I will send you via email (I'm reluctant to post these here). For BrainPOP, you can explore up to two animations a day.

Write a paragraph discussing each sites' strengths and weaknesses. Note: the first two are geared for teacher professional development, while the last one is for DIRECT student instruction. You are not comparing and contrasting these, but analyzing strengths and weaknesses.


2) Software Evaluation:
Evaluate one instructional software program for children using the form linked below:

You do not need to purchase any software for this assignment. Many public libraries, schools and districts have software available for evaluation; or you can visit the OCDE Learning Resource Display Center in Santa Ana [714.541.1052] - 1715 East Wilshire, St. 713, Santa Ana. You can also look to your schools to evaluate instructional software that may be in use at your school already. Do not evaluate any software we used in class. The software must be educational in nature, and/or used for educational purpose. You can view a list of great instructional software at www.clrn.org , if you need help finding a possiblity. Many of these have downloadable demos you can use to complete your evaluation.

Superkids.com has given us copyright permission to use the evaluation form linked above, courtesy of Professor Tom Stubbs.

DUE DATE: June 12 (NOTE: I've given you two extra days here, because I feel your pain...)

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