Sep 4, 2007

First Day of Kindergarten

Well - career educators Julie and Mike have finally become 'customers' in K12 Education. We've sent off our first contribution to the public education system in California and his name is Jay. So far, we love his school; the teacher and the principal seem to be perfect for him. We're happy with the low enrollment (22 at last count) and the classroom location and facilities seem great.

Here's to 13 years of astonishment, wonder and discovery! We hope that Jay also finds an environment in which it is safe to fail - to learn from those failures and to apply his learning to new experiences every day.

Research suggests that the skills required by the workplace he will enter in 2020 (crazy, isn't it!) will be wholly different than those that Julie and I entered when we graduated.

Specifically, careers and industries that didn't exist when we were born will be calling for employees who can learn new skill sets quickly, work collaboratively and can teach themselves new strategies. I mean, who could have imagined a 2 Billion a year ringtone industry when we were born?

It is our hope that Jay's education provides for him an opportunity to learn how his own brain works, how he learns best, how to work within a team (not always as its leader) and to have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

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